
Nintaii - ver. 1.0.16

Nintaii - ver. 1.0.16
Nintaii is the perfect puzzle game: clever, challenging, and fun. Nintaii is an award winning, brain twisting puzzle game of rolling blocks and switches! Roll the blo...

Nintaii is the perfect puzzle game: clever, challenging, and fun.

Nintaii is an award winning, brain twisting puzzle game of rolling blocks and switches! Roll the block through the twisting maze dropping it into the destination. The Japanese term “nintaii” means “patience, perseverance, or endurance.” Can you use your patience to make it through all 100 levels?

Android minimum requirements: Android 1.5 CUPCAKE


Nintaii screen - 1
Nintaii screen - 2
Nintaii screen - 3


File size: 6.07 MB

Download Nintaii - ver. 1.0.16 link 1
Download Nintaii - ver. 1.0.16 from Zippyshare
Download Nintaii - ver. 1.0.16 link 2
Download Nintaii - ver. 1.0.16 from Depostifiles

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